Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So, how do you solve your sleep problems? Why, you buy a bigger, nicer bed! Oh, it's glorious! We also ordered the conversion kit to change Jace's crib into a bed...maybe he will find his way into it sometime in the near (relatively near?) future! In the meantime, the new bed has made a world of difference (although Jace still sleeps in my armpit, at least I'm not halfway off the bed).

A few new things...Jace has been telling Anthony and I no no now. Its kind of cute, he really only does it when we give him too many kisses or tickle him too much but he gets very serious and says Dada (or MaMa) NO NO!

We've had rainy weather since Saturday - we haven't really been able to go anywhere fun. That stinks, but I did a few projects. I finally found a fabric that I think will work to line the inside of Jace's skin. I also found this really super soft black fabric that has a skull and crossbones pattern, I was thinking about making a pillow...since that is the only thing I can sew well haha. But I'll probably make a little blanket out of that too. I also did a little more trim work in the bathroom...the painting project that will never end!! I am so very close to being done, I think I have another 90 minutes before I can say good riddance to that room! I'm looking for some bright red and blue frames so I can frame a few pages from the book but I think I'm just going to have to paint an existing frame since I can't find anything close. And last but not least, I created a little message center for us on the side of one of our cabinets:
Now if I only had some messages...haha

The bottom is the chalkboard paint I was talking about the other day. I think it could use one more coat but it dried really nicely so I think Jace will really like it. I bought him a few crayons and he seems to want to draw on everything. Note to self, crayons are to be used under direct supervision in a controlled environment only. They are relatively easy to clean off the tile though, not so easy to clean off the cabinets. I'm not sure if introducing chalk is going to be a disaster, but everything can be cleaned and fixed at some point right? They say that the toddler years are all about exploring so I'm going to let Jace explore his little heart out...as I follow along with a sponge/vacuum/broom :-) On the topic of cleaning, my little helper is right there to help me, no matter what I am doing. So far, he's pretty good at putting the clothes in the dryer and he likes to mop the floor with wipies. If you catch him in a really generous mood he will help to put away his toys too.

Can you guess what Jace is eating?

Walking in Daddy's shoes

Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm so tired and I can't sleep. This NEVER happens to me! I'm the type who falls asleep during movies, and am usually asleep within 2 minutes of going to bed. The last two nights I've spent more time awake than I have asleep. I just went to bed for 30 minutes but I gave up...maybe its too early. OR maybe I'm so worried about not sleeping that I am stressing myself out, furthering my problem. Either way, this stinks!

In Jace news, he has been extra cute the last week or so. He's been tickling me which is really cute because he does it in random spots like the middle of my back, the top of my foot and my forehead. Its so funny because he stares at me in anticipation of a laugh, haha. He's been getting up a little earlier (6:30) and going to bed a tad earlier (7:30) than normal. Its kind of nice because Anthony and I still have time to hang out after Jace goes to bed...but it would be nice to sleep in a little later than 6:30 someday!

We have a busy weekend ahead of us doing nothing that seems incredibly fun. We are going to try to make it out to the renaissance fair one day if we have time since we didn't last weekend. Lots of laundry to do...the usual. Oh, Anthony worked on the wagon last weekend and it is officially rust free and primed, yeah! We are going to pick out some paint for it, I wanted to come up with a cool name for it too so we can stencil along the side. We are also going to buy some chalkboard paint, I am going to paint one of the sides of the island (in the kitchen) with chalkboard paint so Jace can draw while I cook dinner. I'm pretty sure its going to be one of those things that he always uses or something that he never uses. Time will tell!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Another day another poop in the tub

Jace pooped in the tub again! Only this time, Anthony was in charge :-) The only thing I have to say is I hope this doesn't happen again...ever!

We didn't make it to the renaissance festival, or the science center, or really anywhere this weekend. Somehow it seemed like we were really busy though! It was still a great weekend, we spent a few hours at the park yesterday...in shorts! It's been really warm the last couple of days, I hope it stays like this. It seems kind of late for it to be cold still anyway so I'm thinking winter is gone. Anthony decided we didn't need the heater anymore and Jace and I woke up like icicles this morning, we were both freezing and it was only 67 in the house...brrr!! Maybe I'm being a bit of a baby...maybe.

We have been letting Jace try to feed himself alot, he can hold the spoon pretty well but he's not the best at making it into his mouth while keeping the food on the spoon. It's tricky! Here are some new pics...I swear he gets more and more cute every single minute :-)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

As I was putting Jace to bed a few minutes ago, I was trying to come up with something to blog about and I decided I was going to talk about how fun Jace is at this age. I had thought of everything to say - how this is the very best age for a baby and how fun and great Jace is right now and basically how much better it is than when he was younger. Well I was looking for a cute video to post and as always happens, I started looking at some old videos. Now I kind of wish Jace were a little baby again! I'm thinking this is how people get tricked into having more kids-they look at old pictures and videos!

I know its only Wednesday but we've already started planning for the weekend :-) Anthony has an old wagon from when he was little that he is going to attempt to fix so Jace can use it. I'm not sure its salvageable but what do I know about rust? Um, nothing so I'll leave that up to Anthony! We are planning on going to the renaissance fair which I bet is going to be a blast with Jace. Plenty of dirt, plenty of space to run around, plenty of weird people, plenty of trouble to cause...this is our type of activity! I also wanted to take him to the science center but that is way too much for one weekend so we will probably do one this weekend and one the next. Oh, and I was surfing the Internet yesterday and I found out that you can get into the zoo free the first weekend of every month if you show your bank of america debit card! That saves about $32 (all of which will probably get blown in the gift shop)!!!

Last but not least, my lesson of the week: Do not bring toys to the park unless you are prepared to wrestle a dozen toddlers and pre-schoolers to get them all back when you are ready to leave! Jace likes playing in the sand so we bought him a bunch of sand toys. Of course he isn't the only one who likes sand toys so this made him the most popular kid at the park! We managed to get everything back except for a little rake that was totally not worth making a baby cry over so I guess we will buy a new one :-)

Have a happy valentines day!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I tend to spend my year either dreading the fact that summer is coming, or desperately hoping it will end quickly. I'm already dreading it...even though I went outside with Jace this morning and I was freezing, haha. He seems to have little to no interest in playing inside anymore so we spend a good portion of our time outside. I'm not complaining, I love it...just worried about what I'm going to do in June! Jace runs as his primary mode of transportation now, and I occasionally find him walking backwards or sideways (he's going to be good at the electric slide!). The last two days he's been walking on his tippie toes. At first I thought he had hurt his foot but I think he's just experimenting :-)

I guess this is going to be a short blog post, I am going to attempt to workout, fold a load of laundry, clean the kitchen counters and the bathroom while Jace naps...tick tock!! :-)