Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is it just me or did it go from being way too hot on Monday to a little cold today? Brr, I went for a run this morning and was cold almost the entire time. I guess its good motivation to go faster! Speaking of going for a run, my Mom signed her and I up to run the PF Chang's half marathon in January! I'm not sure how this happened but my Mom is in considerably better shape than I am at this point and she can run faster and longer. Good for her, not so good for me! If we both survive I think it would be a really cool thing to do every year...if we survive :-)

Jace is taking more and more steps on his own! Yesterday I think he was up to about 6 steps and he seemed to think it was really funny :-) He doesn't want to crawl anymore but he's not walking yet so he grabs a hand and pulls us around the house to walk with him wherever he wants to go. Thank goodness for the little car that he can push around when I need a break! He's starting to say Hi to people now too (to people and to Chula).

Below are some pictures from our trip to Flagstaff last weekend and a few from when we got home. Has anybody seen those travelocity commercials where they take pictures of the little garden gnome at various locations? These pictures remind me of that except Jace would be the gnome. He does take some nice pictures though; if only I could be so photogenic! I suggest scrolling down to the end and then going back up because I put the pictures in the opposite order...not that anybody really cares or it matter but it's bugging me so I thought I'd throw that out there

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend Rundown

We got the yard ready for winter grass this weekend. If I raked for 30 minutes does that mean I get to include myself in the "we"? Anthony got sun burned pretty badly but I love winter grass so its totally worth the work! (that Anthony did haha) We also got Jace a new car seat and took a trip to the pumpkin patch. Its a cute little much of a farm as you can expect on baseline and stapely! Jace loved the gross stinky cow. Did you know that pigs eat onions? Weird, but what do I know about farm life?! Jace was a real trooper and we got some really good pictures. Have I mentioned that the weather is perfect right now? The middle of the day is still a little hot but the mornings are brisk, its really great. All the nice weather has meant that I haven't cleaned the house in a while so I'm going to get on that while Jace takes a nap. Oh, he's experimenting with taking a few unassisted steps. He only really does it when he gets really excited and forgets no one is holding his hand. He actually ran after some little boy in the park today before he face planted. I have a tendency to run before I walk too-figuratively. Must be genetic :-) Speaking of the park-Jace has zero interest in playing with other babies. The boys bore him and the little girls always make him cry when they get too close. Instead, he insists upon following the big boys around - the big boys who I'm scared are going to crush him. I'm thinking this is a result of hanging with the Kosisky boys!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Fall!

I haven't posted in a while because...we've been able to go outside again!! Woo hoo! I think the summer is finally over even though it's still pretty hot during the day the mornings and evenings are the reason we still live here :-) The weather is 100% perfect right now and as Jace gets more mobile its going to be nice to take him outside where he can burn some energy without destroying something in the house!

My Mom came up last weekend to visit and watch Jace while we went to the Colts game. I've only been to a couple games before but not at this new stadium so it was really fun. We had a great time (except for the part where every place to eat had a 3 hr wait and I was starving and almost had a meltdown before the game) and we got to see Chris Colinsworth which I thought was 100 times more exciting than Anthony did. My Mom and I have been searching for a pair of shoes for Jace for a while now and he seemed to hate everything we tried on him but last weekend we had success! She bought him 2 fancy new pairs of shoes and he thinks he is the coolest guy around when he wears them :-)

Yesterday we got to meet Jace's new cousin Wyatt. I know I'm pretty partial to Jace being the cutest baby in the world but Wyatt is his newest competition. Jace seemed pretty interested in the baby but hasn't really learned how to be gentle yet so we had to be careful and stop him from smacking Wyatt like a bongo. I'm sure they will have plenty of time to smack each other around when Wyatt gets a little older!

I haven't taken very many pictures over the last couple of weeks but here are a few that didn't turn out so great but are really cute haha