Monday, July 27, 2009

Look what I can do!

People always ask me what Jace is up to these days, and I can never think of things he does on the spot so here's a list. I'm trying to use the blog as a baby book since I haven't been writing in the two I have. And that reminds me that I never completed my wedding memories books either. I'm going to give myself a 5 year time line for that task

Things Jace can do:

*Feed himself little things like puffs, crackers, bananas. He thinks he is too old for puree's now so I'm going to try a little more table food everyday. The problem is that he likes to shove his mouth with as much food as possible and I always end up having to stick my fingers in his mouth to save him. It scared the poo out of me the first time but we've both gotten used to it. I guess that's not really something to be proud of!

*He can stand up holding on to things like his music table or the couch...or the coffee table or anything else he can get his hands on

*He can open drawers and cabinets. I sat him down on the kitchen floor today to see what kind of havoc he could wreak. We will be doing some baby proofing this weekend, eek!

*He cries when he falls but only when mommy is watching. Its kind of funny because he'll be on the ground and he looks around for a while before he starts to cry. If he can't see me he'll go along with his playing

*He likes to look at his blog and pictures of himself, and his reflection in the mirror. Yup, he's vain...but he is quite the handsome little man.

*He is really aware of his surroundings. He's not a fan of strangers unless they are a safe distance away from him.

*He loves the balloons at the grocery store.

*He is a swimming fool. He likes to put his face in the water which just blows my mind.

*He loves his bad doggie. He's still learning to pet her rather than grabbing handfuls of fur and yanking. He likes to rub his feet in her fur and watch her run around the backyard. Of course Chula loves Jace because he drops about 50% of the food he picks up.

*He crawls!

*He throws little temper tantrums, ugh!

*He pulls hair...really hard

*He rarely takes a nap without having to be wrestled into submission

*He laughs and does alot of talking. So far all I can make out is Mama but he's got a huge vocabulary of made up words

*He spits, ugh again. He spits his food, he spits slobber, I think he jsut likes the sound but its a little embarrasing when we go places and

*He loves to be swung around the room by his daddy. It scares me but they both love it so I just try to look away instead of ruining the fun!

Jace's morning:

Hey Darth!
Want to help me get out of here?
Ok you sit up and give me a boost
Hi Mommy, we're just playing nicely!
Move quick before she comes back!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am officially a Phoenician

We got lots and lots of rain last night and early this morning. I took Jace outside to sit on the back porch so we could play with Chula for a little while before it got hot. Well that lasted about 5 minutes before I had to go inside and get a blanket. Yup, I got a blanket because I thought 88 degrees was too cold. I remember when I would wear shorts in Flagstaff once the temperature reached 60! Ah how times have changed!

Here are a couple of pictures of Jace yesterday with his favorite toy. I know its his favorite toy because I have every darn farm song memorized and I find myself humming about the animals on the farm all day long!

And this is what happens while Anthony is in charge and I do my homework...
We are taking a trip to the library today. Jace hasn't learned how to use his library voice yet so wish us might be a short trip!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I had all these wonderful plans to do about a million great things for Jace when he was born and its taken me alot longer to get through the list than I thought it would! One of my tasks was to get Jace baptized...I know its a little late, but better late than never, right! I was telling Anthony in the car on the way home from mass that I'm worried Jace is going to freak out and start smacking the priest or pinching him or something. I'm praying that he will be in a calm mood that day. I'm really not that optimistic though, we seem to be seeing alot less of the sweet little angel and alot more of the wild hyena who shakes the handle of the shopping cart and yells at a giant plastic M & M display with a mouth full of cracker.

We talked with someone at the church yesterday and it looks like we will probably be able to do the baptism at the end of August. Anthony's sister, Jennifer and my brother, Omar will be the Godparents. When Jace was born Jennifer jumped right in and changed diapers, fed him and changed his clothes. She didn't even seem to be bothered when he would pee on her :-) I was really impressed to see how nurturing she was and how much she really cared for Jace. Over the last 8 or so years, I have seen what a smart, caring, and compassionate person she is and have come to think of her as a true friend and sister.

When I was pregnant, before we knew Jace was going to be a boy Omar would always say that he knew I was having a boy and that he knew he was going to be just like he was when he was little. Omar was totally wild and crazy when he was little ( and still is) but he was such a Mamma's boy too. Now I see Jace screaming and jumping around but crying when his Mama leaves the room and I can't help but see my brother. Omar has always been really caring and happy go lucky and I know he will teach Jace everything I don't want him to. Plus, he even changed a poopy diaper and who doesn't love a guy who will change a poopy diaper!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July! We are trying our best to stay out of the miserable heat this weekend. I'm not much of the stay at home type but its really too hot out for Jace so we've been trying to entertain ourselves at home. We rented a few movies yesterday although Jace hasn't really given us the opportunity to watch any yet, haha Last night we had a pretty good storm (for desert standards). We sat out on the back porch and watched for a while, I thought Jace would be scared but he got really excited and loved all the wind and lightening. I'm starting to notice that I am always worried that he is going to be scared of things and he almost never is. Except Yoda...he's petrified of Yoda! His newest thing is screaming...not really an unhappy scream or even an excited scream, its more like, Wow, I am really loud and I think I like it!

I bought Jace a sippy cup a couple of months ago and he didn't really get what he was supposed to do with it so it kind of got shoved to the back of the cabinet. We decided to try's the video. Notice how Jace has already decided that he doesn't need Mama's help anymore!