Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wild Man

We took family pictures the weekend before last and I think they came out pretty good. Jace is so stinkin cute I can hardly stand it! He looks so much older than he really is. We went to olive garden yesterday with my Mom and Jenny and Omar and the hostess gave us a kids menu, haha. The pudge that I thought he was losing came back in full force and I think he might be growing even more because he's been spending a large part of his day napping and still sleeping all night for the last three days. I typically try to get a combined 90 minutes of nap time a day out of him so its been really wierd to have a sleeping baby. The video below is from yesterday evening. Jace loves being in the pool and I really wish that he was at least slightly fearful. Don't get me wrong, I want him to enjoy the pool but a little hesitation would make me feel a lot more comfortable.

Did I alraedy post about his first tooth? I think I might have but maybe not. Anyway, he has it and enjoys using it to bite his Grandma's chin and Elmo's nose. Anthony's Aunt Vicki bought Jace this really cute Elmo for Christmas and he was petrified of it until about a month ago. Now he thinks its hilarious and he likes to stick his hand in Elmo's mouth while he's talking. Its provided lots of entertainment over the last couple of weeks :-)

According to my amateur measurements, Jace is about 19.5 lbs and 27.5 inches long. His 6 month well check is next week so I'll let you know how accurate I am.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, your pictures turned out great! So professional and Jace looks great in every one.

    That's a great swim video too. I'm glad he's not afraid of the water at all. Maybe he'll be a junior lifeguard or on swim team some day. :)
