There is not a whole ton of new stuff to report. We are going to try and see Santa tomorrow. Of course we didn't go last week when the smart people go so we will be standing in line with all the other parents for God knows how long. Oh well, he's a man worth waiting for!
Jace is actually starting to listen to me when I tell him not to do something (only if I use my mean voice and give him a stink face so he knows I mean business) and he doesn't listen all the time but I'm making progress. I have a hard time saying no...and being stern...and making my kiddo upset. But I guess it must be done so I don't have a little brat so I'm working on it! The best kids always have Mama's who lay down the law haha.
Jace had his one year appt on Monday, he weighs 24 lbs (the 67th percentile) and was 31.5 in (the 90th percentile!). Everything went well and according to the Dr the healthiest babies are always "thick" haha. Does anyone know when all the shots stop? I guess I could google it, this is getting pretty ridiculous if you ask me. I didn't realize there were so many deadly diseases we needed to get vaccinated for, sheesh its at least two shots every time we go! We have an awesome nurse though and she does shots so fast and usually has the band-aid on and Jace sitting up before he's even sure what just happened to him.
I think walking has opened a whole new world of mischief for Jace. He likes to take off and then be extra quiet while we search the house trying to find him. He did it to my Mom a few weeks ago and he's been doing it to me, one minute we are reading books and folding towels and the next minute he's sitting under the table not making a peep. It's incredibly frightening but our house is very baby friendly so as long as all the doors are closed I know he can't really do much damage while I frantically search for him. You really should see me running around the house with my giant dog following me around like we are hunting, I'm sure its comical. Oh, and I am happy to report that after one year, Jace pet Chula nicely today for the first time. It was the cutest thing, he tries to pet her all the time but it has always been more of a smack than a pet but this time it was a really nice soft pet, I was so proud of him...and Chula for enduring the smacks for the last 6 months. Speaking of Chula, Jace has been following her around and lifting up her tail to see what's underneath. So far he's just looking and she doesn't seem to mind so hopefully he will lose interest soon.
Here are a few pictures :-)
We spend so much of our lives reaching for independence, until finally we become old and dependent on people again. Maybe Jace will get in to go-kart racing and become a professional Formula D racer (drift racer!).