Sunday, June 27, 2010

So we have a little problem.  Jace wants to play outside - its 500 degrees outside.  The temporary solution has been to go out in the mornings and find water.  It's working so far!  Yesterday and this morning we went to the park down the street and played in the splash pad and harassed the ducks who were trying to take a nice peaceful nap under the shade trees.   Sorry ducks! Its so hot outside that in the 10 minute bike ride home, Jace was almost completely dry after we put him into the bike trailer soaking wet.  Welcome to summer! We went swimming yesterday for about an hour or so - the public pools here are so much cleaner and nicer than the yucky pools I remember going to in Flagstaff as a kid.  Although I hear they opened a nice new rec center with a nice pool so we will have to check that out one of these days!

I forgot to put Disneyland pictures up last week :-)

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