So the haircut was a success! Grandma cut around the ears and in the front so overall not too painful!
Jace had his 4 month checkup about a week ago. He weighs 17lbs and I think he was 25 inches or so but don't quote me, haha. He was in the 75th percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for height which is where he was at his 2 month appt as well. Dr Chiles gave us the green light to start solids and Jace seems to really enjoy his cereal. We'll probably try some squash sometime in the next week or so...basically whenever I have time :-) He was quite the fancy pants show off at his appt! The Dr said he was developmentally around 6 months so that was exciting.
We were doing really well sleeping through the night for a while there and Jace decided it just wasn't for him so he's waking up once in the middle of the night again. Maybe (hopefully) its a phase that he will grow out of really soon. Or maybe I need a new routine.
Here are a few pics in no particular order!
AWESOME!!! Neither of my girls EVER "allowed" for a semi-professional or professional pic. Too squirmy or just plain mad @ the camera. Grrrrr.